On Fri, 28 Dec 2001 14:14:37 +0000 (GMT), 
Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ah, OK, I get it.  Hey, would it help to have a dbm interface compat 
>> library which uses mmap instead of building the db in brk() space?
>mmap for db file seems to be slower. For basic db hash usage and raw speed
>nothing seems to touch tdb (Tridge's db hack). Its also portable code which
>is important since the tool has to be built on the compiling host.

lm sent me the bk mdbm code but I will look at tdb as well.  Four
acronyms in one sentance, I must be a phb :).

>Personally I've always considered make dep good enough. Its trying to solve
>the extra .5% that probably can be solved by careful use of make clean when
>CML realises a critical rule changed (SMP etc)

Especially makefile-2.5_make_dep.html, 9 reasons why make dep is broken
as designed.  Some are fixable in the current system, others are
inherently unfixable.  I skipped that page when I did my presentation
at the 2.5 developer's conference.

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