--- Comment #4 from ---
> For the same reason, I don't expect people to have the habit to close 
> the vaults manually.

I can understand that point :)

> My main question here is this - what is the use-case of Vault being visible
> only in certain activities, but being open but hidden (hidden only in the
> applet, and only if the vault is currently closed*) in others?

The main reason I suggested it is to avoid accidental closes. If it closes too
often people will stop using the auto-close and we'd be hurting the security we
were aiming for.

I fully agree on your point of checkbox-overload. I never figured out how the
kwallet auto-close stuff worked. The UI is too complex for me.

One thing that the kwallet auto-close has is a feature that closes it after 10
minutes of no app accessing the kwallet. I think we can mirror this by
replacing the idea of application with activity.
So if we leave our activity of choice for more than N seconds, we close it.
That would satisfy my reasons for this report.

I would do that without a configurable GUI, I personally think that closing on
screensaver start should also be default and not GUI configurable. So theres

So, building on your idea, the only UI is we can optionally associate a vault
to an activity. So no change.

What about we add the following auto-close behaviour;

* on screensaver start.
* 120 seconds after we stopped being on one of the associated activities.

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