--- Comment #15 from ---
So, I did a bit of testing and I didn't found an issue - now, I'm not saying
that there's no issue, just that I didn't managed to hit it. I'll continue
testing here to see if I can find. but I tested many different split variations
as you can see in the screenshoots, and they seem to work.
The commit hash you gave me is correct so I'm certain that you are running the
current code. There's *one* other thing that I migth ask, tought. When you run
the binary did you installed in a different prefix? If so, did you setup your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to look for the in the correct prefix?
*maybe* konsoleprivate is the old one, being loaded in /usr/lib , and you are
having a mix of new-konsole + old konsole.

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