--- Comment #16 from Bernd Steinhauser <> ---
(In reply to tcanabrava from comment #15)
> So, I did a bit of testing and I didn't found an issue - now, I'm not saying
> that there's no issue, just that I didn't managed to hit it. I'll continue
> testing here to see if I can find. but I tested many different split
> variations as you can see in the screenshoots, and they seem to work.
> The commit hash you gave me is correct so I'm certain that you are running
> the current code. There's *one* other thing that I migth ask, tought. When
> you run the binary did you installed in a different prefix? If so, did you
> setup your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to look for the in the correct
> prefix?
It's integrated into the package manager, so it's installed in /usr/lib (or in
case of Exherbo rather /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib/).

> *maybe* konsoleprivate is the old one, being loaded in /usr/lib , and you
> are having a mix of new-konsole + old konsole.

hm, the new one was definitely installed and the old one removed, but since I
didn't restart yet, it might be that is still in memory and
being used by the new one.
Even though I would've expected the new one being loaded when I closed old
konsole and then loaded the new one, since I don't have any program opened

I'll resume my testing when I've had the chance to reboot (or at least logout),
maybe then it's gone.

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