--- Comment #7 from Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <> ---
I would be interested in the value of the QModelIndex arguments passed to
QAbstractProxyModel::data and even more the one passed to QuickOpenModel::data.
The r & c member values are of most interest to me.

Looking around at the code I found a possible code path which might lead to
bogus ActionsQuickOpenItem objects due to out-of-bounds array access. But not
sure yet how it could be reached or rather triggered from the backtrace, having
the values of those QModelIndex arguments would at least prove that code path
is reached here.

Still no idea why the quickopen code is run here at all. The
QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendThroughObjectEventFilters might give a hint
though,  perhaps something is broken in the logic of QuickOpenLineEdit which
does a
call though tries to unregister when not active...

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