--- Comment #8 from Wood <> ---
(In reply to Friedrich W. H. Kossebau from comment #7)
> I would be interested in the value of the QModelIndex arguments passed to
> QAbstractProxyModel::data and even more the one passed to
> QuickOpenModel::data. The r & c member values are of most interest to me.
> Looking around at the code I found a possible code path which might lead to
> bogus ActionsQuickOpenItem objects due to out-of-bounds array access. But
> not sure yet how it could be reached or rather triggered from the backtrace,
> having the values of those QModelIndex arguments would at least prove that
> code path is reached here.
> Still no idea why the quickopen code is run here at all. The
> QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendThroughObjectEventFilters might give a hint
> though,  perhaps something is broken in the logic of QuickOpenLineEdit which
> does a
>     qApp->installEventFilter(this);
> call though tries to unregister when not active...

Unfortunately I lost the coredump file (got cleaned-up automatically this

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