--- Comment #3 from Martin <> ---
Component Info:

digikam version 6.4.0
CPU cores: 4
Eigen: 3.3.3
Exiv2: 0.27.2
Exiv2 can write to Jp2: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Jpeg: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Pgf: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Png: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Tiff: Yes
Exiv2 supports XMP metadata: Yes
HEIF encoding support: Yes
ImageMagick codecs: 6.9.10
KF5: 5.61.0
LensFun: 0.3.95-0
LibCImg: 130
LibJPEG: 80
LibJasper: 1.900.23
LibLCMS: 2080
LibLqr support: Yes
LibPGF: 7.19.03
LibPNG: 1.6.35
LibRaw: 0.19.5
LibTIFF: 4.0.10
Marble: 0.27.20
Parallelized demosaicing: Yes
Qt: 5.13.1
Qt Webkit support: Yes
VKontakte support: No
AkonadiContact support: No
Baloo support: No
Calendar support: Yes
DBus support: No
Database backend: QSQLITE
HTML Gallery support: Yes
LibAVCodec: 57.89.100
LibAVFormat: 57.71.100
LibAVUtil: 55.58.100
LibGphoto2: 2.5.14
LibOpenCV: 3.4.7
LibQtAV: 1.13.0
Media player support: Yes
Panorama support: Yes

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