--- Comment #43 from ---
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #37)
> > In regards to your suggestions: it is not doable to teach regular users how 
> > to run
> > qdbus or even use krunner in order to be allowed to perform desktop 
> > customization.
> > It is also not doable to not allow any user to configure the desktop or to 
> > rely on
> > a sysadmin to unlock things.
> Are we talking about the panel edit mode, or the general edit mode now?

I am talking about unlocking widgets if we decide to have them locked by
default. It is not doable to not allow it or to rely on a sysadmin but it is
also not doable to teach users to run qdbus, etc. What we had (unlock widgets
was doable).

> If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying that in your experience
> panel edit mode in its current form is so dangerous that it should require
> two steps to enter, not just one. 

Yes. As it was before was fine in my opinion. I work with KDE with widgets
locked full time - even for me it is a major annoyance to set something back if
accidentally misconfigured.

>And that Plasma 5.18 turned it into a
> one-step process by default, and regaining the second step requires using
> the command line, which is problematic since some of your users are just
> technical enough that they can handle the danger of panel edit mode if it's

... it is more that less of them will reach the danger of panel edit mode. The
ones who do needed to click on "Unlock widgets" first which makes them more
aware of what they are about to do.

> guarded behind a GUI-only two-step process, but they are not technical
> enough for one of those steps to be a command-line action.

Average users (imagine the average Windows or OSX user) don't know how to use
the command line.

> If so, all of this definitely points to serious usability issues with panel
> edit mode, and requiring an extra step is just a band-aid over that issue.

I might agree but i need to look in detail into all configuration actions. It
worries me that the band aid has been removed and apparently can't be put back
before we have time to examine the danger.

> Could you file bug reports on plasmashell | panel detailing your
> observations regarding why its usability is so bad and its danger level so
> high for the users in your organization?

My short term effort will be directed towards restoring the protection we had
before in a way that can be implemented quickly: if getting the lock/unlock
behaviour back is considered by the Plasma team to be undesirable I will have
to check how to work it around.

Once that is done I can look in detail into specific usability issues. It is
clear to me that putting the band aid back and discussing+fixing sophisticated
user interactions so that the band aid is not necessary require very different
amounts of time.

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