--- Comment #30 from Brian Wright <> ---
AHA!!!! :-)

It appears that I found the culprit - NoMachine!

Based on your feedback from my last test results, I started to suspect if
NoMachine was causing it.  So, I did an apt-get purge --autoremove NoMachine,
rebooted, and BINGO!!! Everything worked as it should - the autostarted icons
appeared, and the app windows opened. The Kmix and DiscoverNotify icons were
also present.

Here are the latest test results.

Output from journalctl -b 0 | grep StatusNotifierHost:

May 11 20:54:03 bdw-desktop kded5[26589]: Registering
"org.kde.StatusNotifierHost-27787" as system tray

Output from

pid,start,command:  26589 20:52:23 kded5


ITEM:      :1.38/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/pasystray
PID STAT:  350 20:52:32 /usr/bin/pasystray
ID:        pasystray
TITLE:     pasystray

ITEM:      :1.40/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 32563 20:52:32 /usr/bin/korgac
ID:        KOrganizer Reminder Daemon
TITLE:     KOrganizer Reminder Daemon

ITEM:      :1.30/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 30242 20:52:31 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/DiscoverNotifier
ID:        Discover Notifier_org.kde.DiscoverNotifier
TITLE:     Updates

ITEM:      :1.53/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  1728 20:52:35 /usr/bin/kmix --keepvisibility
ID:        KMix
TITLE:     Volume Control

ITEM:      :1.60/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 31040 20:52:31 /usr/bin/keepassxc
ID:        KeePassXC
TITLE:     KeePassXC

ITEM:      :1.68/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT: 27858 20:52:30 /usr/bin/xembedsniproxy
ID:        hp-systray
TITLE:     hp-systray

ITEM:      :1.55/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Skype1
PID STAT:  1764 20:52:35 /usr/share/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux
--executed-from=/home/bdw --pid=1714
ID:        Skype1
TITLE:     skypeforlinux

ITEM:      :1.63/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Slack1
PID STAT:  1695 20:52:33 /usr/lib/slack/slack
ID:        Slack1
TITLE:     slack

ITEM:      :1.74/StatusNotifierItem
PID STAT:  9345 20:53:05 /usr/bin/kalarm --tray
ID:        KAlarm
TITLE:     KAlarm

ITEM:      :1.107/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/dropbox_client_1903
PID STAT:  1903 20:52:50
ID:        dropbox-client-1903
TITLE:     dropbox

I use NoMachine to access a remote Windows box at my workplace.  NoMachine
appears to wreak havoc with KDE Plasma when you log in via SDDM.

To be fair to NoMachine, I may have configured it incorrectly.  The NoMachine
server was always running in the background, and only by removing it and
rebooting the machine, everything was AOK.

I suggest installing NoMachine on your system (local or virtual) and set it to
run the server at startup, then reboot.  You should see the same thing I

It seems that the NoMachine server and client are intertwined, so more testing
will have to be done with the NoMachine server not running on startup.

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