--- Comment #10 from LarsE <> ---
Hi Maik,

today I had some time to do some more testing. Please see the results below. 

I think it's important to put some more information in advance to allow for a
better understanding of my set-up: 
- I'm working on a computer "X" with digikam
- the database runs on a different computer "mariadb"
Therefore I initially set up a user "digikam@192.168.178.__" in the mariadb
server with all rights activated for all digikam* databases. Doing so, I wanted
to grant users from a certain set of systems in the network access to the
digikam databases.

This in mind, I now tested some user configurations: 

Doesn't work at all. Starting digikam results in a no access to the database
error and that's clear to me, since computer "X" connecting to the mariaDB
server is not computer "mariadb".

Activated all rights on all digikam* databases.
This works fine for accessing the database normally (setting and filtering
tags, viewing the photo thumbnails, etc.), but not for the faces feature. When
changing to the People tab in digikam, we get the already known error:

[16120] Error messages: "QMYSQL: Unable to execute query" "Access denied for
user 'digikam'@'192.168.178.__' (using password: YES)" "1045" 2 

Now I added also all global rights to this user, resulting in the following
message, when trying to access the People view in digikam:
[11068] Error messages: "QMYSQL: Unable to execute query" "The user specified
as a definer ('digikam'@'%') does not exist" "1449" 2 

Setting all rights on all digikam* databases, no global rights.
-> This user now works also for the People tab.

Does this make sense to you? Seems as if different users are called by digikam
when working on the database? If it would be necessary to add a user
"digikam@%", this from my point of view would be not very nice with respect to
access control. You can't restrict systems in the network from connecting to
the digikam* databases.


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