--- Comment #8 from ---
i considered switching to KDE a while back, and tried installing Neon alongside
Xubunti, but i got a peculiar boot loader error i couldn't decipher.  i don't
remember the details, but i do remember other people had had the same problem
and no-one found a solution.

Right now i don't feel like fiddling around with tinkering, as the projects i
am working on have higher priority for me (especially this one: ) . 
Fusion has made kdenlive liveable, so that will do me for now. 

But if you're into non-KlunkyDesktopEnvironment design, here is my own design,
called OUI (=ObviousUserInterface) which extends the concept of one-app windows
to multi-app project rooms
i came up with it yonks ago when thinking about usability in the context of
kdenlive and one-laptop-per-child

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