--- Comment #18 from Blazer Silving <> ---
Good news, a clean build of kglobalacceld now reflects the change, something
must have been cached. 

Multi-key shortcuts are indeed fixed. Using Barrier as a host in the build with
your patch, Meta+Q only triggers within the target screen. This also works for
special keys like Fn+F2 (volume up/down), and this also fixes Looking Glass and
virt-viewer. My laptop with 6.1.3 release can connect the opposite direction
with Barrier and replicate the broken behavior, Meta+Q triggers on both

Meta by itself (modifier-only) still triggers in all cases, but I just
confirmed Kwin in 6.0.5 also had the same behavior in a fresh profile with
whichever method Kwin used, so there's no regression any longer with this fix.
Sorry for the mis-report and thanks!

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