On Thursday 23 March 2006 07:24, William A. Hoffman wrote:
> At 12:32 AM 3/23/2006, Matt Rogers wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I have enough resources to do continuous builds and nightly builds here
> > and was wondering if there was an easy way to get that set up? I've read
> > the wiki and confess to being a bit confused.
> That would be great!
> The easiest thing to do would be to take the ctest scripts that I am using
> for dash17 and change a few path names.
> The nightly can be found here:
> http://public.kitware.com/KDE/Testing/Sites/dash17.kitware/Linux-Debian-gcc
> You can just save the above notes file into a file on your machine.
> You will have to svn checkout kdelibs in
> CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY before running the script the first time.
> The script is run with ctest -S nameofscript.
> Then set up a cronjob that looks something like this:
> 15   4  *   *   * ${HOME}/Dashboards/CMakeCVS/CMakeBin/bin/ctest -S
> ${HOME}/Dashboards/DashboardScripts/dash17_kde.cmake -V >
> ${HOME}/Dashboards/Logs/dash17.pass2.log 2>&1
> The script for continuous can be found here:
> http://public.kitware.com/KDE/Testing/Sites/dash17.kitware/Linux-Debian-gcc
> You will also want to change the CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY, and do an svn
> checkout in that directory prior to running the script the first time.
> And the cron entry is here:
> 15   8  *   *   * ${HOME}/Dashboards/CMakeCVS/CMakeBin/bin/ctest -S
> ${HOME}/Dashboards/DashboardScripts/dash17_kde_cont.cmake -V >
> ${HOME}/Dashboards/Logs/dash17.pass2.log 2>&1
> If your compiler is not gcc and g++ you will have to change those lines.
> The path to QT will also have to be changed to your installed location
> of qt-copy.  At this point, this is the important line to change:
> QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/home/kitware/Dashboards/Support/qt-copy-insta
> If you want, you can modify the scripts and email them to me, and I can
> take a quick look to see if things look good, since it takes a long time to
> build.
> -Bill

cool! thanks! I've got them installed and run via a cron job. We'll see how it 
goes. :)
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