On Thursday, February 13, 2014 22:54:12 Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Anyway another approach is needed here for the new version.

Knights, a chess program written with KDE libraries, has an XBoardProtocol 
class (GPLv2+ licensed) that speaks to gnuchess. It does this over 
stdout/stderr which isn’t awesome as you note, but it exists and could perhaps 
be shared.

It is part of a larger set of classes in the src/proto/ directory. The classes 
in proto/ look fairly well self-contained (a single QObject class hierarchy) 
so could be turned into a library with a little bit of effort. Perhaps Knights 
and Gcompris could share this bit of code to at least share the load of 

The project page for Knights is here:


Aaron J. Seigo
kde-community mailing list

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