On Thursday, April 24, 2014 22:59:09 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

> > * Considering that we're now pushing the "Plasma" brand. Perhaps we want
> > to
> > look at these apps as part of the full Plasma experience.
> No, I don't want us to call "Okular" -> "Plasma Okular" or "Plasma Document
> Viewer" it goes against our messaging that our apps are not tied to our
> desktop and as as well useful elsewhere.

I think you have hit the core(!) of the dilemma here. On one hand, we do want 
to make Plasma a total environment (both desktop and mobile and possibly 
more). This means not only having a background, panel and start menu but also 
a selection of necessary applications like a document viewer. And it *is* 
easier for users, especially new users, if the document viewer is just named 
"Document Viewer", not okular.

On the other hand you are totally right. KDE has always had a problem to get 
people to accept KDE applications on other desktops since "KDE foo" has always 
been interpreted as "foo for KDE (the desktop)" rather than "foo from KDE (the 
community)". With our rebranding of KDE going forward, although slowly, we 
need to be careful that we don't end up in the exact same situation again but 
with "Plasma" instead of "KDE".

So my suggestion would be to keep the individual names but make damn sure that 
the full name also covers the use case. For Okular this would mean "Okular 
document viewer" rather than only "Okular". 

Another approach would be to make everything dual-named where one name is only 
used inside Plasma (like "Plasma document viewer" or just "document viewer") 
and one name is used in other places (like "Okular document viewer"). Isn't 
this possible with the new additions to the .desktop file standard or am I 
totally wrong here?

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