On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12.01:42 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> If I was a developer using frameworks for my project with the knowledge of
> "KDE is that Qt linux destkop" (which is quite common), I would see

Which is factually incorrect and shouldn't be reinforced.

Thankfully, if you read the f/oss media on a day to day basis, you'll see that 
Plasma is increasingly the term being used when referring to KDE's desktop 

> "kde-devel" as "list for KDE (the desktop) development things". If I knew

KDE is not a desktop.

> the newer "KDE is the community", I would still think it's a list for KDE
> folks discussing KDE stuff.

Well, devel related (ergo kde-devel@ and not kde@) which it is

> On the other hand, list with "kde-frameworks-*" gives clear indication
> what's going on there and what's its purpose.

KDE Frameworks is a new name for KDE Platform which was a new name for 
kdelibs. do we really want people chasing that name game around?

> A mailing list for outside (non-KDE) developers should imo be created ; 

This is already there: kde-devel@

> We want frameworks to spread throughout the world and we want people using
> it everywhere; I think we should have a proper, standalone support contact
> point for these developers, which is not loaded with other KDE devel stuff.

Using and developing are two separate things; frameworks-devel is about the 

For using KDE technology in development, you have aptly described the purpose 
of kde-devel@

Perhaps the real question you are asking is: How do we get people to know 
about Frameworks and then sent to the right mailing lists?

It is apparently your contention that people will go to http://lists.kde.org/
 and guess which list to use or generate a possible email address on their own 
(and perhaps search for it on the internet before using it). That is probably 
quite unrealistic.

A proper website for KDE Frameworks that presents it as a product proper would 
be a far more useful and compelling asset for getting people to KDE 
Frameworks, and that website can point to whatever mailing lists it chooses. 
Google will with near certainty then point to those lists when someone 
searches for "kde frameworks mailing list".

We can have the "perfectly named mailing list" (whatever that means) but that 
is not going to get people using frameworks, which is at the core of your 
contention. To achieve the goal of "more people using KDE frameworks" 
something very different from a perfectly named mailing list is required.

Aaron J. Seigo

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