On 12/06/2014 04:26 PM, Rick Timmis wrote:
STOP, That is Enough !!

This conversation does not belong here, it is devisive, confrontational
and can not be resolved here..

WE - The KDE Community have a responsibility, and duty first and for
most to protect the unity of our community

PLEASE Cease with this thread of conversation.

IF YOU Feel strongly on either side of this argument then please make
you feelings known directly to the organisers of FOSDEM



RIck Timmis

I debated with myself about this message and the thread subject matter...and decided to speak up about a couple of issues.

The bossy tone of the Rick Timmis message is unusual for KDE. In the spirit of working together, assuming the best, uninhibited self-expression, I cannot see any conversation not belonging here if people want to express their opinions. I want to hear from others and encourage people not to stifle themselves.

Anyone who doesn't like the subject matter is free to ignore the thread.

I simply do not agree that our primary duty to protect the unity of our Community. I find that the KDE Code of Conduct and the Manifesto are clear about how we do things. In particular, the Code of Conduct addresses inevitable disagreements. It does not say anything about stopping uncomfortable or contentious conversations.

Re: the thread subject

John's original message laid down a pivot point for the thread. It raises a hot topic, one that generally is not dealt with effectively, so that there continue to be oppressive, harassing environments around tech conferences.

The question for me about FOSDEM is "So what?" KDE people have interacted with the FOSDEM organizers. Some are dissatisfied, although not much specific information was shared about why they feel that way. I've now heard from 4 people who are closely involved with FOSDEM organizing.

My sense is that Pau is well-qualified to speak to the issues...he has been closely involved with KDE's participation for several years. As one of the Desktop DevRoom organizers, he almost certainly has recruited and selected speakers. His views on the welcoming atmosphere and the speaker/attendee gender ratio carry weight with me.

Likewise John Layt, who has been one of the primary organizers of the KDE exhibit space. IMO, he is clearly speaking from a solid position, although I don't know the basis for his opinions.

I've worked closely over some months with one of the organizers on a non-KDE open source project, which involves mostly men. She is a savvy techie, hardworking, insightful, cooperative, collaborative and more. I emailed her about these issues. Her views on the subject under discussion mean a lot to me. She doesn't see anything to be alarmed about.

Based on my own work on a Code of Conduct for linuxfestnorthwest.org [1], the FOSDEM Social Conduct Policy seems to be what the conference needs. The FOSDEM organizers are aware of potential problems and have a way to address them.

So what?
* There is not likely to be any KDE policy regarding the policies, recruiting and selection criteria of other organizations. Any effort in this direction won't end well. For example, KDE adopts a policy that encourages people to boycott FOSDEM. Do we then have policies about other tech conferences? Who decides what is a "proper" code of conduct? * It is helpful to me to hear various views on conference Codes of Conduct, people's opinions, what makes people feel oppressed, harassed, unwanted and unfree. I don't see the kinds of offensive behaviors that others report, but I'm certain that it happens. There is a long history of man's inhumanity to man. * There are efforts [2],[3] to deal with unacceptable conference behavior. People who feel strongly about the issues can support those efforts. * Regarding FOSDEM specifically...24 members of the organizing team are listed at the FOSDEM website. Presumably someone who advocates stronger stances on the subjects at hand could join the team. * Don't participate if a conference has a reputation for being unfriendly or unwelcoming to women that one finds offensive. * Get on with it. John's not attending and not bringing equipment that has been used in the expo space in past years. Who can pick up the slack?


[1] http://linuxfestnorthwest.org/code-of-conduct. I wrote the original, lifting as appropriate from similar documents from other organizations.
[2] http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_anti-harassment/Policy
[3] http://www.ashedryden.com/blog/codes-of-conduct-101-faq

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On 7 Dec 2014, at 12:08am, Valorie Zimmerman
<valorie.zimmer...@gmail.com <mailto:valorie.zimmer...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Woah. I never thought I would hear such things here.

    On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Pau Garcia i Quiles


        You couldn't be more wrong.

        I have been organizing the Desktops DevRoom for the last 4-5
        years (cannot
        really remember), so I can speak from reality.

        There is no discrimination against women in FOSDEM. It's just
        they do not
        submit talk proposals. Simple as that. E. g. this year we have
        only had one
        talk proposal from a woman and I had to chase her! In the very
        few cases
        where they do submit talks, more often than not when you tell
        them "you've
        got your slot" the answer will be "oh, I won't be attending, I
        need more
        time to plan". Well, sorry but everybody is notified of
        with exactly the same amount of time (4-6 weeks) due to the
        timeframe FOSDEM
        manages. If men can come, why can't women? (we do also have some
        from men due to too-late notice but it's less frequent).

    There are many reasons women don't submit talk proposals. One of them
    is the perceived unfriendly, unwelcoming nature of the conf. I'm not
    saying that FOSDEM *is* unfriendly or unwelcoming to women. However,
    it certainly has that reputation.

    Some women are "pioneers" enough to attend, or even speak. That can
    require a great deal of courage, which is not always on-tap. Those who
    are experienced speakers of course often come up with a talk on short
    notice -- I know of many good female speakers. Why are they not
    speaking at FOSDEM? Seriously, if the steering committee wants more
    diversity, it should be talking to these experienced speakers and find
    out why they choose not to come.

        People are overreacting with these CoC's (or lack of). For some
        reason, and
        it's not discrimination of any kind, women are by far not
        interested in
        technology and engineering. In the same way they are by far more
        in Nursery, Medicine, Psychology, Marketing & Advertising, etc
        than men. Is
        there a CoC about men for Nursery or Midwife conventions? I
        don't think so.

    This paragraph here leaves me shocked and speechless. Say what?


        On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 2:21 AM, John Layt


            Just a heads-up that I will not be attending FOSDEM next
            year and will
            not be assisting in any way with preparations for FOSDEM or
            any hardware. This is the result of the FOSDEM organisers
            refusing to
            institute a proper Code of Conduct for attendees or to take
            any other
            steps in addressing the dreadful gender ratio of speakers on
            program or attending the conference itself. I have attempted to
            discuss these issues with them and found their attitude and
            completely unacceptable to me. As such I cannot give them
            any form of
            support, and sadly that means not helping the KDE community
            at this
            event anymore.


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