El Dissabte, 10 de gener de 2015, a les 15:44:20, Boudewijn Rempt va escriure:
> On Sat, 10 Jan 2015, Lydia Pintscher wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 11:31 PM, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
> >> It also says
> >> 
> >> "Whenever an application has not received a commit for one complete year,
> >> you will be contacted via email to discuss if you want to continue the
> >> application or if it has died. In the latter case or when the email
> >> bounces, it will be moved to /tag/unmaintained/N/. "
> >> 
> >> On the other hand this is in the "The start" section so it can be argued
> >> if it applies to only playground/ or to everything.
> >> 
> >> It's a similar-ish condition to the one you suggested.
> > 
> > Anyone up for making a list of projects that fit the criteria so we
> > can see which projects we're talking about?
> I checked quickgit, and judging by commits, and disregarding scripty
> commits, there are 191 candidates. See attached file. Of course, some of
> these projects aren't really dead, they are just finished, I didn't go
> through them to check that out.
> Judging by bugs is a bit harder, it needs a query on bugzilla, but from
> the top-100, these are all pretty dead, it seems.
> kword         124     0       0       0
> kftpgrabber   80      0       0       0
> KMail Mobile  77      0       0       0
> koffice               66      0       0       0
> kuickshow     62      0       0       0
> quanta                123     0       -1      -1
> kmail         880     0       -7      -7
> kcontrol      164     0       -38     -38

What do you suggest doing with those?

Some of them like kword and koffice are already in unmaintained and closed for 
bugs, not much more we can do with them other than deleting them which i'm not 
sure it's a good idea.

Others like kftpgrabber may be either suggested for new people to adopt them 
and if not moved to unmaintained.

I guess we should also be really careful, as you said some software is "done" 
and the fact that it didn't get any development doesn't mean it should be 


> Boudewijn

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