Let's take one of your examples: some imaginary sensory tech that
follows your mind. It's going to be a competitive advantage to both
Plasma and applications, for sure. Can it be a KDE project? Yes,
because it clearly brings KDE closer to its goal. And actually, both
visions/missions would support inclusion of such a tech into KDE.

Let's consider another example. This time it will be the imaginary
free Github replacement. This time the tech is too far away from
user-end apps and shells. Let's say it wants to join KDE. Under the
"inclusive" proposal such a project will be welcomed. Under "focused"
- no.

PS: I did not say that _all_ new tech should be developed outside of
KDE. What I wanted to say that for the free software project to
succeed, it does not have to be included into any larger

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 8:15 AM, Martin Graesslin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Thursday, February 4, 2016 7:52:34 AM CET Alexander Dymo wrote:
>> Focused does not mean exclusive. Every technology (and not only
>> technology) that gets us to the point where all users use KDE shells
>> and apps (because of their superiority) is welcome. IMHO, of course.
> sorry, but I cannot follow you. What you wrote here is inclusive again. So
> what you want now: focus on a technology or being inclusive to everything?
>> Another point is that not everything needs to be built in house. When
>> I started free software development, it was harder for independent
>> small projects to survive. It was much better for them to join the big
>> groups, like GNU, GNOME, KDE, etc. Now this is not the case. So I'd
>> expect some of the technologies that KDE can use to be actually
>> developed elsewhere.
> And here you basically say any development on new technologies should happen
> outside of KDE. Which is pretty excluding and contradicting to what you write
> above.
> To me this is really confusing as I don't see how that can aid us in finding a
> direction.
> Further clarifications are appreciated. Right now I'm more confused than
> before.
> Cheers
> Martin
>> On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 12:53 AM, Martin Graesslin <mgraess...@kde.org>
> wrote:
>> > On Wednesday, February 3, 2016 11:44:35 PM CET Alexander Dymo wrote:
>> >> I reread both drafts and realized that people who have not
>> >> participated in the development of these proposals might miss the
>> >> important difference between them.
>> >>
>> >> The Lydia & Co see KDE providing users free software to manage any
>> >> aspect of their digital life: GUI environments, applications (GUI and
>> >> not), knowledge management systems, etc.
>> >>
>> >> The AlexN. & Co see KDE providing users free GUI environments and
>> >> applications that work on any computing device: desktop, laptop,
>> >> tablet, smartphone, or any other device present and future.
>> >
>> > may I ask where the focused group sees the future in a world beyond GUI,
>> > I'm thinking of areas like:
>> > * speech recognition (e.g. KDE Lera)
>> > * IoT
>> > * Sensors (think of the old joke of "Focus Follows Mind", but we're almost
>> > there)
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> > Martin
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