On Monday, February 15, 2016 10:22:20 PM CET Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Monday, February 15, 2016 15:11:47 Martin Graesslin wrote:
> ...
> > Maybe you could start thinking about that. What does it mean if THE GUI
> > maintainer doesn't want that? Maybe he has a better look on it with THE
> > GUI
> > knowledge?
> > 
> > Please don't completely dismiss my feedback. Think about it.
> Yes, but I have really a hard time understanding it. I'm actually assuming
> there must be some misunderstanding, different bias or interpretation...
> If the future interfaces won't be graphical, what other options do you see ?

I'm not a prophet, I have no clue what will be after graphical interfaces. But 
some things we already see today emerging: speech for starters. Another 
example are all this Virtual Reality stuff which is not graphical in the sense 
of a GUI. Our phones notifies through vibration. We have smart watches 
interacting through sensors with the body. All without a GUI.

There is a world beyond GUI. Things relevant to our users. Things relevant to 
privacy. I want KDE to be there, to give secure and privacy aware solutions 
also on future interaction patterns and not be limited by saying we only do 


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