On Tuesday, 17 July 2018 16:50:49 BST Nate Graham wrote:
>  ---- On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 09:17:18 -0700 Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
> <ad...@leinir.dk> wrote ----
>  > On Monday, 16 July 2018 17:01:59 BST Nate Graham wrote:
>  > > I would like to be a moderator!
>  > > 
>  >   Hi Nathan, and thanks for stepping up! :D Do you have an
>  >   opendesktop.org
>  > 
>  > account, and in that case could you send me the ID, so we can get you set
>  > up with the right rights? :)
> Yes, and my ID appears to be 505663.
> Nate

  Thanks! :D Right, so the way we'll be doing the assigning of the rights is 
that we open a task on the KDE Store phab[1], that way we can also keep it 
open and whatnot. It's also the way work is managed in the store team, so it 
just seems the sensible way of doing it :)

[1] https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/146/

..dan / leinir..

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