On Thursday, 19 July 2018 19:52:51 BST Scott Harvey wrote:
> Hey Nicolas!

  (i'm not Nicolas, but hi! ;) )

> Although I haven’t (yet) committed to helping out on this project, I’m still
> offering my opinions.
> Personally, I wouldn’t like to see the store curators judging the
> submissions on quality. Our personal tastes might influence our decisions.
> It would be like an art museum curator not displaying a work because he
> doesn’t think anyone would like it.
> I think the curators should focus on keeping the store clean of things that
> _don’t work_, look out for obvious copies of other people’s code, etc.

  That is precisely (and once we've got actual, written instructions also 
explicitly) what the curators are suppose dto be doing. Incidentally, 
everybody is already able to do the checks for spam and malicious/illegal 
content, which you only need to be logged in as a user to be able to do. That 
functionality is in the Details box on the right hand side of any product's 

> If someone puts up something that’s “stupid” or worthless, it’ll get voted
> down by other users. My own two Plasmoids are hovering at exactly 2.5 stars
> each. Maybe they’re not so useful after all. :D

  Exactly, the curators are there to help ensure that the stuff that shows up 
Plasma and other apps' dialogues will, in fact, work. Just because we might 
possibly think something is dumb doesn't mean there isn't loads of people out 
there who might very well appreciate a bit of that exact flavour of dumb in 
their lives, and they should totally be allowed to go for it ;)

> -Scott (sharvey)
> On Jul 19, 2018, 1:14 PM -0500, Nicolas Fella <nicolas.fe...@gmx.de>, wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'd like to offer my help as well :)
> > 
> > Specifically I'd like to ensure that only content of decent quality and
> > of actual worth to the user are available in the store, e.g. by
> > suggesting/requesting changes to the author.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Nicolas
> > 
> > On 16.07.2018 11:39, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> > > Hello chums :)
> > > 
> > > One of the challenges of having a library of resources is to maintain it
> > > clean of spam and in general any content that doesn't comply with what
> > > we want to have there.
> > > 
> > > The software running store.kde.org recently gained the possibility to
> > > have a group of people who can moderate contents and reviews.
> > > 
> > > This is a call for action for those of you would like to contribute to
> > > KDE
> > > by helping to make sure our users have the best resources selection
> > > available, free of worry to find undesired contents.
> > > 
> > > Please reply if you'd like to help, either with the store as a whole, or
> > > even just a specific category, and we will see together what's the best
> > > way to proceed.
> > > 
> > > Thank you! :D

..dan / leinir..

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