
We had been trying to have a nice orderly migration from freenode but that 
wasn't to be despite all our work as freenode imploded earlier today

The main problem for our migration was that the majority of our matrix bridged 
rooms are "portals" which aren't really meant to ever move

Element Matrix Services support are working with us to convert the portal rooms 
to plumbed rooms which we can then migrate

Existing plumbed rooms can skip this stage and be unlinked from freenode and 
using the integration manager add an irc bridge  to libera to them instead

If you are in a kde matrix room that i'm not please invite me there so that i 
definitely know of its existance,  I'm @kenny:kde.org

For people using IRC directly life should be simpler, you can just disconect 
from freenode if you haven't and then join the corresponding rooms on Libera 

The vast majority of IRC rooms have been created and registered, if you find 
any that aren't please let me know (seaLne)



        (Pronouns: he/him)

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