On Wednesday, 16 June 2021 17:10:42 BST Kenny Duffus wrote:
> On Tuesday, 15 June 2021 14:59:09 BST Kenny Duffus wrote:
> > On matrix we have a large number of users and the issues of aliases which 
> > complicates stuff, so that is why we are choosing to migrate them. Just be 
> > patient a bit longer
> > 
> That is now all of the simple ones migrated to libera and some of the bigger 
> rooms are in progress as they need the bridge admin to link them
> I'm now going to look through the various errors and get the remainder sorted
> Just to note again that if @kenny:kde.org is not in your bridged room we 
> probably don't know of its existence, so please invite me to your rooms
> Thanks to EMS for all their work helping us 


If you encounter any remaining Libera IRC channels not bridged to Matrix, or 
rooms still bridged to freenode, please file a sysadmin ticket 

Please also do this if you are in any KDE IRC channels that are not registered 
(/msg chanserv info #kde-channel)



        (Pronouns: he/him)

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