
Parts of https://invent.kde.org/websites/aether-sass/ are licensed
under Apache License 2.0. This disagrees with the KDE licensing

Considering Apache-2.0 is similar to MIT, I don't see why it shouldn't
be allowed by the policy. Is anyone aware of past discussions of the
KDE licensing policy and reasoning behind this fact?

The proposed addition to the policy section of https://community.kde.org/
Policies/Licensing_Policy would be:

4. Source files that are part of a library with a public API which is
part of the KDE Platform (kdelibs, kdepimlibs, kde-runtime and KDE
Frameworks) must be licensed under:
[new bullet point] * Apache-2.0: Apache License 2.0 as listed below.

What do you think?

Alexander Potashev

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