Am Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2023, 15:06:12 CEST schrieb Carl Schwan:
> On Monday, 22 May 2023 00:26:09 CEST argonel wrote:
> Hi,
> > I would argue that the low usage is in part due to lack of awareness.
> > It has a one-line mention on the "Internet Relay Chat" community wiki
> > page (which wasn't added until 2019) that doesn't even explain the
> > benefits of using it.

> I understand that this requirement is due to some technical issues, as IRC
> doesn't support having so many connections open at the same time but it's a
> bit wrong to blame Matrix for that. I do wonder why BNC is not affected by
> this policy, but I suppose it's because there are way less users using IRC.

A bit offtopic, but since the question was in the room:

Due to Element in the past (and still, plus other issues) was very very bad at 
cleaning up dead / zombie connections, duplication issues partially due to 
reasons already mentioned, a very shaky bridge which produces lots of noise 
during (multiple) restarts ... this was a requirement that we (Libera we) set 
on Element.

Also wrt i-lines: these are indeed still needed, and given loads of inactive 
connections, the i-line for Element had to be _huge_  (and we don't talk twice 
or four or six time the size of others, it was magnitudes of multitudes more) 
which is quite a risk and thus was also not sustainable long time.

None of this applies to BNCs, plus with most if not all of the BNC providers 
being a lot more cooperative when it comes to issues, especially wrt abuse, 
noise and spam, they need fewer restrictions.

But yes, for this restriction Matrix the protocol is not to blame.

> Cheers,
> Carl

Kind regards, 


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