On Friday, 26 January 2024 06:13:14 CET man...@transformedrecords.com wrote:
> Good morning KDE Project,  
> My name is Manuel Escalera and I am currently an University Student. I would
> like to know more information about the KDE Project and its community as an
> Open-Source enthusiast. I would like to know if its possible to do some
> research into the organization as I am currently enrolled in an ethics
> class for my University and will be required to do a research project on an
> organization. I would like to learn about how the KDE and its community
> that operates as a non-profit organization with thousands of volunteers
> globally, the organization's core values, beliefs, and its social conduct.
> Thank you and hope to hear back soon.  

Hello Manuel,

Sounds fascinating. Apart from the pointers from Ben, you may want to talk to 
Joseph Veaugh-Geiss (on CC), who is in charge of Community Relations. Joseph 
will have insights of his own you will find useful, and also contacts that will 
help you in your research.

Lots of luck!


Paul Brown
Promotion & Communication

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