On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 03:15, Michael Pyne <mp...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Monday, August 08, 2011 18:44:40 Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
>> Juk is an easy target, and in need of love.
> Honestly I was going to recommend the same thing.
> I don't agree that it's (all) easy (although there is certainly a lot of "low-
> hanging fruit"), but it does have the advantage that I'm at least available by
> email to help guide/mentor.
> In addition I will be completing school very soon, which hopefully should add
> some time per day (although that may be offset by the new job I will be
> rotating to soon which will probably involve a longer commute).
> Either way, JuK could use some love, there's still someone mostly-active who
> can show interested parties around the codebase and I should have piped in on
> one of these requests awhile ago (but I've always assumed someone else has
> need the help more ;( )

Thanks guys. I've suggested him to take a look at JuK.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group member
http://kde.org - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher

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