On 02/24/2012 11:21 AM, Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
Hi Andras,

no there is no guarantee for liboxygenstyle.so.4, and I don't plan to guarantee it.
It is all internal to kde-workspace, and has no public api.
the fact that oxygen gets broken for kde installed from source due to incorrect plugin path is an issue with Qt installantion, and/or with local KDE install (experts should confirm), that must be fixed upstream, disregarding of the above. In fact the same issue can lead (and has led) to crashes elsewhere, notably in the decorations. Therefore I don't think it justifies ensuring the the BIC you ask, which would generate extra -and IMHO unnecessary- complexity, if not overhead.

If I remember correctly, the recipy for getting the right pluggin path (and thus avoid the crashes -always-), is to edit $HOME/.config/Trolltech.conf, and remove (or fix) the "libraryPath" section in [qt].




is there any BC guarantee for liboxygenstyle.so.4? If not, i think there should be... It is not the first time that you cannot run application installed by your distribution under a self-compiled KDE master, because BIC issues in lliboxygenstyle.so. The apps from there load the oxygen.so plugin from the system directories, but as the link against the master's liboxygenstyle.so dynamically, so if that changes in a BIC way, the apps crash and don't start.

qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/styles/oxygen.so:
undefined symbol: _ZN6Oxygen7TileSetC1ERK7QPixmapiiii

Right now the problem was most probably was the following commit:


I know this does not affect regular releases in distributions, but it is very
bad for those working/testing KDE master.


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