2012/3/16 John Layt <jl...@kde.org>:
> On Wednesday 14 Mar 2012 15:54:54 Matthias Klumpp wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Colord - just to mention that - is also not a GNOME project, it's a
>> FreeDesktop project. (Doesn't mean it's "standard", but does mean that
>> it's not GNOME) So everyone is free to contribute to it, and the
>> maintainer is interested in collaborating with KDE. (which he already
>> does very nicely)
> There is no such thing as a FreeDesktop project.  FreeDesktop sets standards
> like desktop files, it doesn't build or choose implementations.  Just because
> a project chooses to use fdo facilities does not mean it has been chosen or
> blessed by fdo.  There is no process for fdo to do such a thing. It is a
> failing of fdo that it doesn't do so, and that it doesn't stop people form
> claiming to be fdo projects when they are not. /rant
> What colord is is a Red Hat project, or more exactly a Richard Hughes project
> that Red Hat has allowed him to work on and Gnome has chosen to use.
>From fd.o:
> freedesktop.org is not a formal standards organization, though some see a 
> need for one that covers some of the areas we are working on.
> [...]
> Unlike a standards organization, freedesktop.org is a "collaboration zone" 
> where ideas and code are tossed around, and de facto specifications are 
> encouraged.
If you consider this, it's perfectly sane to call stuff which is
hosted on fd.o and uses fd.o namespaces (e.g. on DBus) is a
Freedesktop-project. You also need to apply for a new project first
and fd.o admins can reject it. Anyway, this doesn't mean
Freedeskop-Projects are standard, it just means that they're on a
public "collaboration-place" between desktops like KDE and GNOME. But
telling it a Richard Hughes project is describing it well too :)
Kind regards,

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