El Dimarts, 25 de febrer de 2014, a les 15:13:07, Matthias Klumpp va escriure:
> Hi again!
> I talked to some people, and it looks like merging the translation
> back into one file using existing tools is not possible. So it would
> be hacking a custom solution or not merge everything into one file.
> I don't want to write additional code if doesn't have a strong
> advantage. So, I would like to ask if my previous suggestion, projects
> create an .appdata.xml.in file and the l10n-script commits
> localization back as .appdata.xml into the same directory, would be an
> acceptable solution. 

And then people will go and edit the english version in .appdata.xml and the 
translations will get out of sync.


> I don't see disadvantages of this.
> Some XML-localization code exists, but that is Docbook-specific and
> can't easily be reused for that kind of translation (as far as I can
> see, it also requires l10n data to be present before the localized XML
> can be built)
> Cheers,
>     Matthias

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