On Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014 23:20:18 CEST, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
No, it takes
<p>foo bar</p>
and turns that into
<p>foo bar</p>
<p lang="en">foo bar</p>
<p lang="de">föö bär</p>
<p lang="fr">le fó et la bàr</p>
<p lang="es">el fobarro</p>

I thought, plain <p> would *not* to be translated?
However, same procedure.

That frankly sounds like an xmlstarlet one-liner... is that the problem?
How would that look like? That would be really cool :-)
(I never worked with xmlstarlet)

$ xml ed -d "//*/p[@lang!='x']" /path/to/appdata.xml
resp. (matches all elements, not just <p>)
$ xml ed -d "//*[@lang!='x']" /path/to/appdata.xml

This will delete all (p) elements that have a lang attribute which is not "x"

$ xml ed -d "//*[@lang]" /path/to/appdata.xml
deletes all elements with a lang attribute

You can also select subpaths (//* globs)
$ xml ed -d "//*/div[@align!='center']/*[@lang]" /path/to/appdata.xml

-- OT
Given that Fedora wants to kick out all apps without AppData from
their software center
You mean I should simply stress my point with a gun?
Seriously, i'd just ignore such attempts to threaten by "we will ship a crippled 
package manager that does not show your software".
It's not a very scary "threat" (they'll probably get bug reports), inacceptable 
style and certainly no base to start any discussion.


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