El Dilluns, 7 d'abril de 2014, a les 23:52:19, Elvis Angelaccio va escriure:
> Hi all,


> with this email I'm going to ask a review for Kronometer, in order to be
> accepted in KDE.
> Kronometer is a stopwatch application for KDE. It's meant to be simple but
> also customizable.
> Kronometer has been moved to kdereview from its previous location,
> playground/utils. I'm not sure whether to ask the admission in
> extragear-utils or in kdeutils.

Personally I don't see it being a broad enough use case to make sense to be in 
kdeutils. What do others think? Have you asked at kde-utils-devel 
https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-utils-devel ?

> What I'm looking for is the help of the KDE community with translations,
> packaging and bug-tracking. If the choice is definitely up to me, it would
> be nice to join the kdeutils module.
> Regarding the requirements for the admission:
> 1. There is the documentation in DocBook format. Thanks to Yuri Chornoivan
> for his help.
> 2. Source code is documented using the doxygen syntax, as suggested in the
> techbase documentation policy.
> 3. All the krazy code checker issues have been addressed.
> 4. No usability review has been done, but it's welcome.
> 5. Profiler: unfortunately I don't know how to do it. I used Valgrind and
> there shouldn't be memory leaks.
> I tried to use also Callgrind but I'm not able to understand its output. If
> a profiler check is strictly required, I'll need help for it.

Nah, it's not like your app is doing anything very resource intensive so you 
don't need performance testing (just make sure you don't hog the cpu at 100% 

Some small comment from my side:
 * You are passing an email address as bug address, you should leave the 
default bugzilla one there and create a kronometer bug entry in bugs.kde.org 
if you don't have power for that ask to the sysadmin guys about it.
 * Your choice of splitters to separate hours/minutes/seconds seems a bit 
weird do you think that anyone will use it to have something like very wide 
minutes and narrow the rest?
 * The general/font/save settings probably would look nicer with a vertical 
spacer at the end that eats up empty space when the vertical space is bigger 
than needed (i.e. similar to what you have in interface settings).


> 6. The application should be completely translatable, thanks again to the
> help of Yuri.
> Finally here the references:
> Kronometer repository in kdereview:
> *https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdereview/kronometer
> <https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdereview/kronometer>*
> Kronometer quickgit: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kronometer.git
> Kronometer website:
> http://aelog.org/kronometer/<http://www.aelog.org/kronometer/>
> If you want to quickly browse the code, you can also do it whit the Woboq's
> code browser here: http://aelog.org/codebrowser/kronometer/
> Thank you for your time,
> Elvis Angelaccio

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