On Tuesday, 9 September 2014 20:02:55 CEST, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
That would honestly make more sense for Plasma imho, though it still would make sense to start small and consistent.

A suggestion made by sysadmins was to start with just a couple of repos to prevent further confusion and to build some confidence slowly. The suggestion was specific not to go with all of frameworks at once. I wanted to respect this suggestion, which is why I went with just two repos at first.

If you would like all plasma to go, just give me a list of repos and I can make it happen.

A reasonable project of a 3-5 active developers who are doing 2-3 patch sets a week ought to give one all the data set necessary. One can extrapolate from such a sample pretty easily. I know I managed to do it with gitlab and there wasn't even that level of activity.

A random data point -- I asked a 3rd-party contributor to send a patch to Trojita through Gerrit earlier today. He accomplished that goal so fast that I asked him for an estimate on how much time it took. The answer was 15 minutes, including reading the docs and setting up the client-side hooks. Quite frankly, I don't think I was faster when I first used ReviewBoard.

In my opinion, the purpose of this test is not to verify that Gerrit works or that the ACLs are set up properly -- both were done already. What I think is the goal here is to give the maintainers some possibility of playing with Gerrit and seeing whether they want to use it in their projects.

How about that new video player that was demo'd at akademy? How about kde-connect?

If the maintainers of these projects would like to take part of this experiment, I'll be more than happy to configure stuff for them as well, of course.

With kind regards,

Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP e-mail client -- http://trojita.flaska.net/

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