On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Dominik Haumann <dhaum...@kde.org> wrote:

> Of course, some wishes and valid bugs would be automatically closed then,
> too.
> But this is probably not a big issue, since a wish that will never get
> implemented
> is useful neither for us as developers nor for the users at all.

I'd like to disagree with that^, in kde-telepathy we have many valid
bug reports/wishes which we would want to have/implement when
there will be that day when you have all the time you need. But we
just struggle to find the time.

They are useful for developers/maintainers because if a newcomer
shows up, you can just tell him "look at all the opened wishes,
pick one and work on it" (which we do regularly). It's also useful
when you have a free weekend and want to work on some of those
opened reports. Which you wouldn't be able if they would be all

They are also useful for users so they don't get reported again and

> And if there are bug reports that from a developer's perspective should
> not be
> auto-closed, then we could attach a custom tag 'no-auto-close' or so to
> the bug.
> Then this script could ignore the tagged ones.

Yeah, this would be great.

> Comments? Strong objections? ;)

Personally I prefer the Dan's version with the EOL, but in general +1
to the idea.

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer

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