On Friday, July 31, 2015 04:01:37 PM Thomas Lübking wrote:
> On Freitag, 31. Juli 2015 14:05:09 CEST, laurent Montel wrote:
> >> Especially for KDE PIM, given the size of the userbase and the amount of
> >> developers (3), bugs often take more than a year to get to and 
> >> to be fixed.
> >
> > +1
> > As Daniel wrote we have a lot of bug and a very small team.
> > So we can't able to fix bug in 1 year.
> > And I don't want to see all bugs closed after 1 year because it's useful to 
> > read all bug and sometime it takes me some months/years to fix bugs.
> Wishes:
> -------
> should *never* be closed automatically - either a Human declares them WONTFIX 
> or it's "patches welcome" - they may however be resubmissioned again once a 
> year "is this actually reasonable?" so a developer can say "what a bullshit 
> of an idea" and close it ;-)
> Bugs:
> -----
> should get regular (every 6 months after inactivity?) updates like "is this 
> still an issue", setting them "WAITING FOR INFO" and if not responded within 
> the next month (and reopened) be closed "WORKS FOR ME"
> This will eg. remind developers to "oh, yes - I fixed a dupe of this 3 month 
> ago, totally forgot about this one".
> Autoclosing a bug that maybe has not ever even been touched by a developer is 
> a blunt offense and teaches users to either start nagging (in fear of getting 
> their bug closed) or being frustrated (to avoid 4-letter words ;-)
> Also "fixing" issues by ignoring them is really bad style.
dvartil's suggestion to follow the fedora model, in combination with the 6month 
nag seems pretty good.

I strongly disagree with trashing arbitrarily based on the bug's age.

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