> El 25 nov 2015, a las 14:05, Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com> 
> escribió:
>> On Dienstag, 24. November 2015 02:02:46 CEST, Andreas Hartmetz wrote:
>>  Why copy the list? Logout may be canceled, so it is valuable to keep
>>  the main client list updated for after logout cancellation.
> So if I logout, kwrite exits, konsole asks, I cancel, I restart kwrite, I 
> logout, kwrite exits, konsole asks, I cancel, I restart kwrite,

What do you mean with "konsole asks"? Things like "You have multiple tabs open, 
are you sure you want to quit?" and "You have unsaved changes"?

If so, the scenario you describe is bad regardless of session restoration. If 
konsole has to ask the user and the user has a chance to say no and cancel the 
logout at that point, then kwrite shouldn't have exited yet!

If "app canceling logout" is a thing, then logout should feel transactional to 
the user. Either logout happens and all apps exit, or logout doesn't happen and 
nothing exits. I guess the implementation of that would be: all apps should be 
given a chance to ask their questions and approve or stop the logout before 
*any* app exits. And if the system asks an app if it's okay to logout, and the 
app says yes, then when the "exit because we're logging out" command arrives, 
it's too late for the app to say no and it *has* to exit. This is how MS 
Windows works, by the way (or used to work).


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