On Donnerstag, 26. November 2015 00:37:35 CEST, Andreas Hartmetz wrote:

First, by copy I mean a temporary copy that is never merged back into the main list, it's kept around only to know which processes have already agreed to have their session saved and submitted the corresponding data.
The current problem is that some applications die between submitting their state to ksmserver (SaveYourselfDone message) and ksmserver saving the list of processes to restart (writing ksmserverrc).

Ok, that's not a problem.

It is AFAICS safe to assume that an application that has submitted its session data is really supposed to be restored.

Agreed, and if this is only meant as temporary condition we won't restart a 
session history either. Given the async nature of IPC the cover-up sounds 
reasonable enough, yes.


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