On 11/7/19 7:34 AM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
Am Montag, 21. Oktober 2019, 15:22:23 CET schrieb Arjen Hiemstra:

Quick Charts has been moved to KDE review. The intent is to make it a
Tier 1 framework.

Any chance the official name can be "KQuickCharts"? "Quick Charts" is a
generic name which only asks for being misunderstood, is hard to google etc..
Quick Charts is a QML module that implements a set of high-performance,
GPU accelerated
charts. Currently the main user of it is a new KSysGuard UI I have been
working on, but
once it is part of Frameworks I also hope to convert several bits of
Plasma to using it.

If there is only one user currently, might it perhaps be a better idea to do
some independent releases for a while to get more feedback on the API, before
settling to the API freeze by being part of KDE Frameworks? It will be at
least a year until KF6 is there to properly fix up any potential API
inconveniences which users might find.
I would at least recommend to first get some API shaping by real-world

Seems like a chicken-egg problem: more exposure would be provided by getting it through the review process, no? I can see us porting the graphs in KInfoCenter to use this, for example. But since that's shipping code, we might not want to do that until it's formally a framework.

+1 for making it a framework sooner rather than later.


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