Much better! Most issues are fixed now. I feel like we're close. See a few remaining comments:

The left pane's placeholder message is off-center with narrow windows.


I can still see this:

On the recording page, the "stop recording" button is red which is typically our 
"destructive action" color.

I've attempted to use other colours, as well as the selection colour,
but they either don't contrast when flat, or don't really seem like

I would argue that this is a destructive action, because it stops the
recording without any way of going back. This colour is also typically
used for stop buttons on other platforms, so I would not say that it
is particularly out of place, in my opinion.

When I look at other platforms, what I see is that it's common and traditional for the *record* button to be a red circle, but the stop button is always a black square. And stopping the recording isn't destructive; *deleting* the recording is destructive.

Furthermore it's inconsistent with the stop button on the playback view, which is black:

Playback buttons can get cut off with short windows:


I can still see this:

I found a new issue: when dragging the window, the view backgrounds become partially transparent during the drag, as if I had the Translucency KWin effect active--but I do not. In addition, after the window id dropped, its background flickers a bit. None of my other windows do this, and KRecorder didn't do this the last time I did it.

I continue to think the two-column view is a bit awkward when there are no recordings, and now it results in two record actions shown at the same time, but with different text:

Maybe when we're in widescreen mode and there are no recordings, the right pane's placeholder message could have no action and simply say "Click the "Record" button to make a new recording". It can probably remove the "Record a new recording" action even when there are any recordings, since the left pane always has a "Record" action in its header.


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