On Friday, July 1, 2011 19:19:41 Ruurd Pels wrote:
> ...
> duh... the remark being...
>       In my travels down the Linux Path, I also developed a curiosity to 
> explore
>       KDE.  It is my understanding that there has been a major change within 
> the
>       past couple of years within KDE.  I downloaded the live DVD of Open Suse
>       and took some time to work with it.  KDE is stunningly beautiful but
>       complex.  It has components to it with names so out of sync with what 
> they
>       do, that it was difficult for me to understand their purpose within the
>       environment.

honestly, the failure here is in the user needing to ever see Akonadi as 
Akonadi. in the UI it should be consistently absent, and when the user does 
need to interact with that service it should be refered to as the "Personal 
Informaton Storage Service" or some such.

this is what we have been doing with plasma for a while and nepomuk more 

unfortunately, developers continue to add over time new instances of these 
terms into the UI or present the user with uninteresting informaton related to 
these services.

some of us continue to try and remind the developers of this and try to fix 
these issues with patches over time ... more help in that is most welcome.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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