On 02/07/2011, at 4:15 AM, Torgny Nyblom wrote:
> On Thursday 23 June 2011 08.40.02 Ian Wadham wrote:
>> Can I build KMail without Akonadi, etc?  If so, how?
> Short: no (as already stated)
> Long: Akonadi is used by most PIM application including KMail as a backend 
> for 
> storing data including mails. Sure this is backed by traditional mbox or 
> maildir but this is used by akonadi and not the frontend applications such as 
> KMail.

Oh well, I tried.  Working on a Macbook in Apple OS X with PIM software ported
by Macports, I got as far as having KMail, Akonadi and MySql playing together,
after some difficulty.  Then it asked for Nepomuk and "resource agents" 
they are) so I gave up.  I have had bad experiences with Nepo and friends 

Within an hour or so - much less time than I had already spent - I had converted
my email folders into mbox format and imported them into Apple Mail.  Not as
good an email reader as KMail, but them's the breaks.  I tried ... but Kmail is
tightly bound to all those other things now ... :-(

All the best, Ian W.

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