On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 21:07:40 Giorgos Tsiapaliwkas wrote:
> Hi and welcome.:)
> On 27 September 2011 14:09, Picachu Nioto <picachu.ni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Okay, so current status is that I have decided to use kdesrc.
> > While executing kdesrc-build, I got the errors. Log is posted below but to
> > summarize there are 3 errors,
> > 1. Unable to configure qt-copy!
> there is no qt-cory anymore.It is deprecated.

Careful with that one. ;)

There's no KDE copy of Qt+patches anymore, but KDE still does mirror Qt.

And the module kdesrc-build uses to build Qt must still be called qt-copy 

> Can you tell us which kdesrc-build version do you use?
> > 2. Unable to configure automoc with CMake! (Occurs for many packages)
> probably some distro package is missing.we need to see the errors.

Make sure you have a recent enough CMake.

 - Michael Pyne

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