On 11/03/2011 10:43 PM, Antonis Tsiapaliokas wrote:

First of all, in order to build the kde-workspace, you must install the
-devel packages of some basic packages. For examples cmake. In ubuntu,
there is a package with name buildessentials or something like that. You
will need it :)  Also kdevelop is a very powerful IDE, which it could
help you to fix the bug. Also it is recommended to use kdesrc-build,
because it stores the logs from cmake and build errors.


Antonis Tsiapaliokas

*If* you're using kubuntu, you can just run

sudo apt-get build-dep kde-workspace

which will install all build-dependencies of kde-workspace. You can then build whatever KDE version you have installed.

If you need to build against trunk you can use Project Neon if you don't want to use kdesrc-build

Philip Muskovac

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