On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 09:21, Andreas Cord-Landwehr
<phoen...@uni-paderborn.de> wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 November 2011 18:47:12 Lydia Pintscher wrote:
>> While this would be awesome to have it is way too big for what I am
>> looking for here unfortunately.
> Hi, I remember this mail some month ago about combining notes plasmoids.
> Together with Akonadi+Nepomuk integration this could be a challenging project:
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-pim&m=131318930304775&w=2

I am not entirely sure if this fulfills the data mining part. However
it seems like a nice project so I'll suggest it. Thanks!


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member
http://kde.org - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher

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