On Saturday 18 February 2012 18:50:42 Janardhan Reddy wrote:
> Hi,
>     Are there any applications in kde which need multithreading support. I
> would like to participate in gsoc and i am good at multithreading.
> Even though many programns are multithreaded they may be slow even though
> the work in done in separate thread different from gui thread.
> There is a library called threadweaver in kdelibs through which we can make
> use of multicore cpu and run the tasks parallely when so much work need
> to be done in a single thread.
> Are there any applications which need this kind of support.

If you are "good at multithreading" I presume you might have knowledge of 
reducing lock contention. If you have ideas how to do that for KDevelop 
without rewriting most of the code, I'd welcome your insight. Yet for KDevelop 
this is nothing in the scope of a GSOC imo.

Milian Wolff

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