On 03/09/12 18:59, Loïc Grobol wrote:
On Monday 2012-September-03 Tomaz Canabrava wrote :
Why should the program be opened while nobody's using it?
To improve the opening time, it is not that uncommon.
The first time it is launched it will load some stuff to the memory, when
launched again some of the memory will remain in the cache, so it will
load faster.
But maybe not fast enough. Even on the 2nd or 3rd time, it takes sometimes
more than 15s to open Dolphin (on my laptop), which I use mainly for hit-and-
run operations (open a file, copy a file… then close). It would be useful to
keep something lighter that a minimized window, but which would allow a very
fast start.

Something is seriously wrong there. It should never take 15s to open Dolphin. Even on the oldest machines I tried (a Celeron 2.4Ghz, a machine that's a decade old) Dolphin starts up in under 2 seconds.

Are you RAM limited? If you're using something like 256MB RAM, then yes, that would be normal. But if you really only have 256MB RAM, you shouldn't be using KDE to begin with :-/

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