On Monday 2012-September-03 Nikos Chantziaras wrote :
> Something is seriously wrong there.  It should never take 15s to open
> Dolphin.  Even on the oldest machines I tried (a Celeron 2.4Ghz, a
> machine that's a decade old) Dolphin starts up in under 2 seconds.
> Are you RAM limited?  If you're using something like 256MB RAM, then
> yes, that would be normal.  But if you really only have 256MB RAM, you
> shouldn't be using KDE to begin with :-/
No, that is just because I have far more application open simultaneously than 
I should, including heavy computations. I have not taken time to manage their 
niceness lately, so that is why Dolphin is so slow here. But even so, I don't 
think I am the only one to use many applications at once. I don't know if a 
background process is a good way to do it, but I think that base utilities 
(Kate, Dolphin, maybe KMail/Kontact) should default to higher priorities.


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