Am Montag, 17. September 2012, 12:43:45 schrieb Daniel Nicoletti:
> Ah another thing you said you open/close the device when talking to
> it, that seems
> fine but I noticed that it seems mtp has a limitation that you need to list 
> files on a device before using, at least pluging a device full of
> stuff takes a while
> till you can see the files, and it seems to also be the Windows case.
> Am I right or
> it's just how mtpfs was implemented?

Now that you mention it: That way my problem as well. Libmtp usually gets you 
all the file-structs for a specific parent (when listing files). Now, one 
would assume that 0 would be the parent of the files in the root directory, 
but, as it turns out, one would be wrong. max(uint32_t) is actually the parent 
you are looking for. Look in the code and you will find just that: uint32_t 
parent = 0xFFFFFFFF ;). When using that access is fast, from what I have 
experienced during testing it's actually faster than the Windows-
I even have some ideas for caching certain data to make accessing already 
known files and folders even faster, but right now I will concentrate on 


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