Hello everyone,

just notifying devs and maintainers that (still) in desktop workspace 4.11
beta 2 we have _many_ bugs plaguing user experience of Dashboard. 
Dashboard is maybe the most underrated off-by-default feature of our desktop
workspace, an it could deserve much more attention by users, and by devs
Since it will be a LTS release - and I will recommend/install it to everyone
upon a LTS distro - we must guarantee that the Quality we achieved after
five years and a half of developement is something more than a slogan.
Notice that these bugs (search "dashboard" on bugtracker) have been reported
years ago, and they are still reproducible.
Hope someone will step up and fix all this rather annoying -hoping, little-
things before final. :)

Anyway 4.11 beta2 runs smooth with few -known- regressions. Work done in
kwin is even noticeable :D

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